Our Pastors

Pastor Tom and Sandie Luitwieler

Tom Luitwieler grew up in Southern California, and graduated from high school in 1970. It was in 1980 that someone gave Tom one of Pastor Chuck Smith's books on Bible Prophecy called "End Times".

He devoured the book in one evening and immediately knew that it was the truth, and that he needed to have Jesus Christ in his life. It was then that Tom began to sense his need for Jesus Christ, but there was only one problem, he did not know what to say to Sandie, (the woman he was living with), they were not married, and he knew it was wrong.

What he did not know was that Sandie's sister and her sister's husband (who were Christians), and lived across the street from Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa had been praying for them. They would pray for them and when the opportunity presented itself, would share the Lord with them.

Eventually they invited Tom and Sandie to attend a Sunday morning church service with them at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Tom jumped at the chance after hearing that Pastor Chuck Smith, who wrote the book "End Times" would be speaking.

It was that Sunday morning that Tom knew the Lord was speaking to him about his need to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, yet he did not know what to say to Sandie. At the same time the Lord was saying the same thing to Sandie, that she needed to accept Jesus Christ into her life.

A few weeks later Sandie's sister invited her to an evening church function for women. It was that evening that Tom read a Bible tract that someone had given him, written at the end of that tract there was the sinner's prayer. Tom got on his knees and prayed that prayer asking Jesus Christ into his life. When Sandie got home that night Tom met her at the door, she informed him that she had received the Lord that night, and he told her the same thing. A week later they married, the best part being that they were "in Christ".

They attended Calvary Chapel Of Costa Mesa for a while, and in 1981 moved to Moreno Valley, California. They moved thinking it was simply to have their own home, but the Lord had other plans. It was at the Calvary Chapel in Moreno Valley that Tom and Sandie began to grow in the Lord. Encouraged by the strong teaching ministry of Pastor John Millhouse, Tom began to study the Word of God for himself.

Eventually Pastor John asked Tom to lead a Sunday evening home fellowship. It was there that God began to hone Tom's teaching skills. Pastor John encouraged Tom to attend the Pastor's School at Calvary Chapel of West Covina with Raul Ries. It was then that Tom realized that God was calling him to be a pastor.

After serving the Lord at Calvary Chapel of Moreno Valley for ten years, Tom and Sandie moved to Sparks, Nevada to see what the Lord wanted to do. They started a home bible study in Spanish Springs, and eventually moved the Bible Study to a pre-school in Sparks, and started Sunday morning services as Calvary Chapel of Reno Sparks in 1993. Today the church has grown, and continues to do so under the ministry of the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Read Pastor Tom's blog here.

Pastor Juan Rodriguez

After meandering thru life with no purpose, Juan received Christ as Savior in 1987. Eleven years later he was asked to be on staff at Calvary Chapel of Reno-Sparks. Juan oversees Children Ministries and Junior High Ministries. He is married to Julie and has 5 boys, and two dogs. A University of New Mexico graduate, Juan enjoys watching the Lobos.

Pastor Leonard Sanchez

Leonard has been serving the Lord since 1989. He started attending Calvary Chapel Reno/Sparks in the winter of 1995. He has been on staff since 2007 and oversees missions, High School youth and college & career. He has been married since 1991, he and his wife have one daughter.

Pastor Andrew Morales

Andrew came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in 2011. He’s a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno and has been attending Calvary Chapel since the year 2013. He has been on staff since 2018. Andrew is married to Heidi and has two daughters and one son. In his spare time, Andrew enjoys hanging out with his family.

Tom and Sandie

Pastor Tom Luitwieler

Tom and Sandie consider it a privilege to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and to serve the people He has brought to Calvary Chapel of Reno Sparks. Tom and Sandie have been married for 33 years and live in Sparks.

Their youngest son, Matthew and his family also lives in Sparks. Their two oldest children, Tim, and Sherry and their families live in Southern California.

Contact Us

You can email us at: info@calvarychapelreno.org or give us a call at (775)856-1110.

Join us for one of our services:
Sunday: 9:00am & 10:45am
Wednesday: 7:00pm

We are located at:
220 Edison Way, Reno, Nevada

Driving directions here