Feeling overwhelmed dealing with your website, donation method, Facebook, email system, phone app and graphic needs? You are going to love our Comfort & Security Plan!
In the last 6 months most of the above has become much more complicated.
For most organizations it is a struggle to keep up with the ongoing demands and changes. Now you can turn all those headaches over to us and we'll handle it all for you! For years Pritchard Websites has dealt with all the same web related tasks and we can eliminate the pressure you feel.
Our Comfort & Security Plan includes two hours each month administrating any of your needs including:
1) Website maintenance and updates.
2) Donation administration.
3) Facebook posts, Facebook ads and Google ads.
4) Email system problems.
5) Mobile App admin.
6) Graphic design (website and print).
7) Media storage and streaming administration.
Call, text or email for what your investment would be for this very competitively priced plan! 951.970.6172
#1 Will it cost more to have you handle all these things for us?
Maybe, but probably not.
Think about this: you have a choice. You can hire someone to handle all of your needs, or you can continue struggling along as you have. You can spend your time, your staff's time, or try to get volunteers to actually follow through on some of your needs. There is a cost involved in all of those options. Because of our professional experience and service, paying to have your needs met is probably less costly than the system you are using now.
#2 Can you recommend more efficient options?
Yes, that is what we do. Our entire company functions around the concept of efficiency. Our continual goal is to increase our and your efficiency. This results in being able to accomplish your goals for less money than other service providers.
#3 Can we give you last-minute or urgent requests?
Yes, we are a full-time, full-service company. We are always here. Some products, such as graphic design take a bit longer to deliver, but we pride ourselves in quick turn-around.
#4 How do I get started?
Contact us today to learn more at 951.970.6172 or Mike@PritchardWebsites.com.
See Michael's amazing piloting skills in this video sponsored by Subaru.
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